When I pass on to the other side I dont think i will care what vessel takes me into the dirt/holding pen/crypt or whatever there using to rid the world of my stinking ass body. America ...well the media celebrated... the passing of an "icon" this past week. Michael Jackson the King of Pop. And for some reason I watched this supposed epic event with sheer indifference....I mean i didnt turn the channel and i didnt feel a sense of loss. But as i watched the Staple Center in LA fill with gold wristed banded "mourners" I wondered "Why the F(*& are you people not at work?! I felt my throat swell with the acidic vapor of vomit as i sat there absorbing such a horrible testament to truancy ! "Hey lady in the third row stop 'Tweeting' your wereabouts to your Twitter pals you self-absorbed, pretentious shit!...a man lay before you ensconced in a solid gold 24 carat coffin!!"
What have we become in America that this is what entertains us...This is what some people found so important to skip out on work buy a plane ticket from Denver and with your portly stay at home Mom self and sign a billboard to MJ on how much he has affected your life with the majesty of his song! I don't think he's gonna be reading that hun ....he past away from a illegal drug overdose and lost the part of Jesus Christ due to his drug abuse.
One reporter was to have said he was physically moved my the outpouring of the community and the city of Hollywood who footed the bill for this carnival show. Good for you California but are you not in debt to the sum of 23.5 Billion dollars?! What's 2 more million right?...F(*& it blame Bush............ Keith Olbermann still does.
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