Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fake Empire

3802266266_30458df941.jpgHaving been a modern day Spartan for quite sometime for our Empire that we call America I weep. I weep because we live in a fake empire that before our accepting and willing eyes has destroyed everything we've touched and made the world hate and despise the U.S. across the world. Who do we blame?? .... How can we fix this??.... Look at our current situation in the world. Our generation has its Vietnam and its Korean War ..or forgotten war as it's called. Years have been wasted along with young American lives needlessly ended for what? The Empire's coffers need to be filled. War is profitable.. Dead Americans are profitable...corporations live solely on the money made by young men and women's blood and gore. They live in there palaces and direct our government on what they need to do for profit. Meanwhile the Glenn Becks and the Limbaugh's of the world spew fear and hate and false rhetoric down the throats of mainstream "lets not think about ugly things" America...Why do they do this? To keep you stupid and blind to the fact that Rome will burn people.

There are more of me out there ready to take the blade to our "SPQR" tattoo and cut away its meaning and fight for our country. Fight for the control of our country once more. Caesar was killed by his own people. The Empire will fall and its people will be the ones who bring it down. I love America...I love it so much we are such a great and wonderful country. But who gave our government the right to dictate and police the rest of the world?! America needs to lead by example not by there military might. I feel so angry at our representatives for not representing "US". I've fought for you ..I've killed for you .... My friends have died for you....are we not in need of mercy and your respect?!....we are apart of a brotherhood of rough men ready to do rough things in need of our country....all this while you sleep peacefully in your beds.....but slowly dear friends ..slowly we are becoming sick of it all and will become your enemies. Rome is burning my friends and I hope your on the right side when the first torch is thrown.

1 comment:

  1. i love you to death but you are a bit over the top here
