Wednesday, December 16, 2009

PIckled Livers and the old in Denver

Hello friends long time no talk huh!? I finally got a moment in this hectic life of mine to relay a quick observation in the pursuit of the American Dream!

I recently attended a work conference in Tampa which was about 2 days longer than it needed to be. It was a informative and sometimes blurry experience...there was alot of booze involved. I whole-heartly believe that I may have pickled my liver just a little on this medical knowledged beer soaked whirlwind tour of the Tampa Bay.

So as I sit here for my flight in Tampa International I noticed something queer about my fellow travelers....There all old. I mean old like CPAP breathing machines, wheel chairs, wrinkles, that subtle look of confusion and slight air of panic that all the old have. My coworkers and I may be the youngest people on this flight. Why Denver? What's the drawing power? Do they believe the cold will somehow preserve them even more? Are they searching Dean Moriarty's ghost there? These questions I ponder as i listen to the wheezing and slight moans of the old around as if these ancients somehow are conducting some sort of symphony of suffering. What's going to happen when the flight attendant requests that any persons needing some extra time boarding please come forward? Dear lord it will take forever! Well I must go now my friends I have to prepare my life story for my fellow aisle mate which no doubt will be old.

Happy Holidays~!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Music I'm Listening to

Akron/Family- Set 'Em Wild, Set 'Em Free. There new album is a funky throwback kinda sound with some serious 70's undertones which let's face it we all need and love! The songs " Everyone is Guilty" and "MBF" deliver some serious face-melting guitar riffs which rattle the chest a bit and push these songs to the badass category. While "River" and "Set 'Em Free pt 1" are slowed down and imbued with more of a folksy and feel good vibe. The music transitions well and I think the band makes it work rather well. My favorite song so far has to be "River". Perfect song that could interrogated in many different ways by the individual listener. Overall good album and worth a good listen. I recommend.

Eels- Fresh Blood. Seventh album by these fellas.......First of all the Eels have had some killer albums in the past with some way out cool songs. "Novocaine for the Soul" and "My Beloved Monster"(These can be found on the album Beautiful Freak) are still to this day just plain RAD and have a steady rotation in the ole playlists. In Hombre Lobo the definitive song has got to be "Fresh Blood"'ll get it when you listen to the song! Another song which I think is actually a love/longing song is "That Look you Gave that Guy". Spooky and talks to you. "In my Dreams" deserves a spot on everyones iPod and should be listened to while walking through the city people watching...or hell driving to work! Overall worth checking out on iTunes and downloading what you want.

Dan Auerbach- Keep it Hid. Dan is the Black Keys...and the Black Keys are Dan....Nuff said.
But in his solo album Dan came correct and mixes a folksy funkadelic ear candy full of soul that makes it hard not to snap the fingers to! "Heartbroken, in Disrepair" is a musical version of a tell-all book about a lost love or something to that effect. "When the Night Comes" is just hauntingly gorgeous....there's nothing more to say listen to it. Dan keeps his raw emotions and experiences in the album which gives this album a life and soul. Overall classy and heartfelt album that will need to be played with a good red wine and some beautiful company.

Jason Lytle - Yours Truly, the Commuter. Good Music!! this album fills a niche in my secret liberal life. All I want to do with this music is jump on the bike throw the earbuds in hit the Hawthorne bridge for some breakfast on the bridge action! Then pedal all through the city enjoying life and dodging cars. "Yours Truly, the Commuter" is not only the namesake of the album by a gorgeous lazy song which is so easy to jam along with and love. Jason's voice and unorthodox singing and storytelling is just plain cool and inviting. He has a way of making the listener feel comfortable and chill. Overall i feel this album will be epic in the brisk, crisp windy Fall season. Get it now while supplies last!!

Enjoy it all...and love music!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Dear friends,

I am currently back in NC and i have one thing to say......there are alot of unhealthy people here.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fake Empire

3802266266_30458df941.jpgHaving been a modern day Spartan for quite sometime for our Empire that we call America I weep. I weep because we live in a fake empire that before our accepting and willing eyes has destroyed everything we've touched and made the world hate and despise the U.S. across the world. Who do we blame?? .... How can we fix this??.... Look at our current situation in the world. Our generation has its Vietnam and its Korean War ..or forgotten war as it's called. Years have been wasted along with young American lives needlessly ended for what? The Empire's coffers need to be filled. War is profitable.. Dead Americans are profitable...corporations live solely on the money made by young men and women's blood and gore. They live in there palaces and direct our government on what they need to do for profit. Meanwhile the Glenn Becks and the Limbaugh's of the world spew fear and hate and false rhetoric down the throats of mainstream "lets not think about ugly things" America...Why do they do this? To keep you stupid and blind to the fact that Rome will burn people.

There are more of me out there ready to take the blade to our "SPQR" tattoo and cut away its meaning and fight for our country. Fight for the control of our country once more. Caesar was killed by his own people. The Empire will fall and its people will be the ones who bring it down. I love America...I love it so much we are such a great and wonderful country. But who gave our government the right to dictate and police the rest of the world?! America needs to lead by example not by there military might. I feel so angry at our representatives for not representing "US". I've fought for you ..I've killed for you .... My friends have died for you....are we not in need of mercy and your respect?!....we are apart of a brotherhood of rough men ready to do rough things in need of our country....all this while you sleep peacefully in your beds.....but slowly dear friends ..slowly we are becoming sick of it all and will become your enemies. Rome is burning my friends and I hope your on the right side when the first torch is thrown.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Marinara Sauce

I found a packet of marinara sauce under my couch today. How long have you been there my little condiment friend...?

We as humans need to feel apart of something.... a community... or someones life. We need to feel "love" and a sense of purpose. We all seek a astral and spiritual connection to a sweet and beautiful love that we cannot live without. We are all in our own way a hopeless romantic. We all search and search for what is real and profound and tangible. And we all ...all of us want to be found, cared for, used, depended on, .........Loved.

All of us want to be found just like that marinara sauce and used to spice up and make delicious someones "midnight cheese sticks". How scared and hopeless our condiment friend must have been to be ruthlessly shoved aside and begrudgingly pushed under the dark and friendless world under the couch. I wonder my new friend if you felt worthless and unwanted? Did you despair? Chew the tender flesh on the inside of your cheek with irrational worry about your future? Did you depressingly read your expiration date and feel as if your too old now for anyone to open you up and enjoy all that you could provide? Did you finally hold out hope that maybe just maybe this day would come and you would be found and finally...finally be seen and welcomed and loved?

Today I found a packet of marinara sauce under my couch.......

Friday, July 10, 2009

Zen and the art of Falling in Love

Zen and the Art of Falling in Love is really one of the most interesting and informative books/podcast I've seen in a really long time. Imagine if you will the sheer meaning of this peaceful almost astral experience you could potentially have with your mate! Are we all not searching for the "connection" or that "soulmate experience"....are we not?!

What does the word "love" mean...?....honestly think about that. You want this word to mean so very much but in all honesty I really think we don't have one damn clue what this word means and/or the massive amounts of problems and issues and potential joy this word can bring us. The word "love" can mean such beautiful things to someone. Love can be used as a curse or a lullaby. All in all the word love is really just a word. Love is a feeling.... a sense of fullness, a rush of chemicals to your heart to increase your pulse and quicken your breathing. Love is your thoughts being so consumed with your lover that all you can think about is that person. But what it really means is the feeling of comfort and safety.

When you watch the above hyperlink really pay attention to the "monkey mind" portion of the podcast. How many times has this thinking affected your happiness and security!? The monkey mind has sabotaged a number of my relationships in the past and I refuse to let it become a focal point in my love life in the future.

All we want is to be loved and cared for in our lives. Why do we destroy that .....why!?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mission District in Jell-O

Liz Hickok is a an artist....her format ...why it's J E L L - O !!!! She's currently creating the Mission District in San Francisco out of Jell-O! Check it out its really amazing. Maybe this is Liz's quest for the American Dream! 

Death and Solid Gold Caskets

When I pass on to the other side I dont think i will care what vessel takes me into the dirt/holding pen/crypt or whatever there using to rid the world of my stinking ass body. America ...well the media celebrated... the passing of an "icon" this past week. Michael Jackson the King of Pop. And for some reason I watched this supposed epic event with sheer indifference....I mean i didnt turn the channel and i didnt feel a sense of loss. But as i watched the Staple Center in LA fill with gold wristed banded "mourners" I wondered "Why the F(*& are you people not at work?! I felt my throat swell with the acidic vapor of vomit as i sat there absorbing such a horrible testament to truancy ! "Hey lady in the third row stop 'Tweeting' your wereabouts to your Twitter pals you self-absorbed, pretentious shit!...a man lay before you ensconced in a solid gold 24 carat coffin!!"

What have we become in America that this is what entertains us...This is what some people found so important to skip out on work buy a plane ticket from Denver and with your portly stay at home Mom self and sign a billboard to MJ on how much he has affected your life with the majesty of his song! I don't think he's gonna be reading that hun ....he past away from a illegal drug overdose and lost the part of Jesus Christ due to his drug abuse.

 One reporter was to have said he was physically moved my the outpouring of the community and the city of Hollywood who footed the bill for this carnival show. Good for you California but are you not in debt to the sum of 23.5 Billion dollars?! What's 2 more million right?...F(*& it blame Bush............ Keith Olbermann still does.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I only add this disclaimer due to the fact that if you continue to read this blog i will eventually say something you do not like, believe and/or down right find offensive. I cannot apologize for this. We need to have an uncensored outlet before even those are taken from us. I want to use this blog as an outlet...for all of us. The forthcoming entries are merely my own opinion and not endorsed by any entity.