Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is There Anyone Out There!?

Is there anyone out there that follows this blog ? If there is thank you. Also on a side note have a wonderful weekend! Its gorgeous here in the Pacific Northwest so enjoy it while you can. Tell someone that your thinking about them today and that you care about them. If your near her hug your mommy today....tell her that you love her as well. Go somewhere that overlooks something right before sunset and enjoy. It can be a building or a rock cliff or a treehouse ...use your imagination. Make someone breakfast tomorrow ...or at least coffee. Surprise your lover with a highschool makeout session in a car in the parking lot of the movies.....see where it goes.


Find the song "Tennessee Whiskey" get it and listen to it...then go out buy some Tennessee whiskey and California wine and "sure have a good time!"


  1. I like this. Sometimes I read your blog. This is a sweet sweet post.

  2. Thank you for your random support Ms. Caitlin
