You know what I like and crave relationships. I love to talk and entertain people meet new people and such. But for some reason I haven't been doing this for awhile. I would sit in my apartment alone and think "I can't go out and sit by myself ....I'll be that creepy bicycle guy in the corner". You know something.... even though I'm a guy its hard being alone and not having someone in your life on a regular basis. I need that.... we all do ...its nature versus nurture baby and I want some nurturing sucka!
I know I know your thinking Jesus man all your blog entries are sad and boohoo ...well I say no more! I live in an awesome, gritty, beautiful city and I'm going to take advantage of it. Thursday night movies at the raddest joint called the Red Hot ?! Heck yeah! (bartender bought my beers! I love girls with tattoos!) I'm going to start showing you the American dream from a bikers point of view ..from an urbanveloists' point of view. I'm going to share with you my everything like always. Case in point I'm still alone and without friends due to there jobs that take them to foreign places and such but I'm making new ones. I'm still without love in my life ..pure love the kind that makes you gooey inside and warm with want and feelings of being wanted...updates to come with that as well.
So in closing my travelers I will share with you this: I need to treat my life like a drug .....become addicted to this drug ...grow it then peddle my drug on the grit city streets to get others addicted to it.
P.S. Tall Girl why can't we be friends again?!
Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies/things you don't want to hear...