Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wait........What?! Moments

Let me be the first to tell you that I love my city! But I witnessed what can only be described as a "wait...what?!" moment the other day. As I was sitting outside enjoying the crisp fall air in my lovely downtown coffee spot my eyes were drawn to the park across the way. I like to call this little jem of a park "bum park" due to well you guessed it ...bums. Now I will try to gently describe to you what occurred but If you know me well I won't pull any punches. There were two homeless gentlemen sharing a bench ...not uncommon you say? I agree... one was missing an arm the other had both of his appendages which seemed to be intact. The one armed man had his head back and what drew my attention was his rather loudish grunt/moan. Well the reason for the head back with said moan was the one-armed fellow was enjoying a hand job.......(yes I'll wait for you to catch it?.....I KNOW RIGHT!) from his two armed companion. For some reason my brain had difficulty processing this ...."his he ....really? the park?......wait!.......what?!"

True story kids. I love Tacoma.

Another moment that I want to share is that of pure gluttony UGH! This is a touchy subject but i'll be blunt its gross. So I'm sitting in an accounting office TRYING to get "Uncle Sugar"(Uncle Sam ..the government) to pay me back my 4000.00 dollars it keeps garnishing from me. I was being very successful with this young chap with a ache problem he was actually getting me more money! Thanks little guy! His civilian counter-part walks in and it's this robust large woman carting burgers and fries from a fast food joint. After sitting down she proceeds to devour its contents: 2 large burgers 1 large fry and a huge soda product. It hurts my heart and bowels just to type this to you. How can you eat this don't you know how "Biggest Loser" big you are!? But she wasn't done.....after her meal she went to the fridge in the office and came back with a pint of ice cream!?Wait .....What?!........(I KNOW RIGHT!) Fast forward to the evening I'm watching Sportscenter waiting for the game to come on and a Victoria's Secret ad for "What is Sexy?!" came on and my mind flashed to this woman who was maybe in her late 30's. GODDAMMIT AMERICA! we really need to eat better. I'll you what isn't sexy gross people who devour hormone laced meat cooked in fat and deep-fried taters by the 18-wheeler load. Because of this I joined this FullCircleFarms. They deliver organic produce and if wanted free-range natural beef and slow grown pork ( Ok yeah TallGirl did kinda influence this) plus artisan cheeses! I pick my bi-weekly stipend up at my gym which is convenient and sexy! So now when I go to the gym and workout then leave with organic produce the girl with the bigger arms than me knows I dig nutrition.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. The joining a farm co-op thing, not the hand job in a park thing. But, yes, good for you, it makes me proud. :)
